60East Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the 60East Frequently Asked Questions. This site has questions in a number of different categories:

General Questions

Release and Hotfix Policies

What is a "Preview" version of the AMPS Server?

What is the 60East Hotfix Policy?

Getting Support

What's in a minidump file? Does it include the data that's in AMPS?

How do I use WinSCP to upload files to the 60East SFTP support server?

Can everyone see things I put in support tickets?

How can I split large log files to upload them?

Is replication between different versions of AMPS supported?

AMPS Features and Capabilities

General Topics

What software/hardware is required to run AMPS?

Content filtering sounds cool, how does it work?

Is AMPS a point-to-point messaging product?

What database does AMPS use?

Can I publish and subscribe at the same time?

What CRC32 implementation does AMPS use?

How does AMPS support UTF-8 and Unicode?

Setting up Instances

AMPS on Apple Silicon: Running a Development Instance

Can I run AMPS on Windows?

How do I run AMPS in a Docker container?

How can I have AMPS ignore SIGHUP?


What is the difference between a Topic in the SOW and the Transaction Log?

How does a messaging product support queries?

How do I subscribe to a view or an aggregate in my program?

How can I paginate a SOW query?

What happens if data changes while a SOW query is running?

Does AMPS return messages from the SOW in the order published?

How many columns/fields can I have in a SOW topic? In a view?

What is "Focus" in AMPS?

What are some ways to consume large SOW queries?

Do I need to list every field in a SOW topic configuration?

How can I get the number of records in a SOW topic?

How can I delete messages from a SOW topic?

Should I use the SOW delete action or message expiration to maintain my SOW topic?

How do I configure SOW storage parameters?

How do I get only the first 100 records from a SOW query?

What is the difference between historical SOW and bookmark replay?

Do I have to add configuration for every topic I want to publish to?

How does AMPS construct the SowKey for a message?

What happens if I change the key of a SOW topic?

Message Formats and Content Filtering

Why should I use AMPS content filtering?

What is the default message type for AMPS?

Does AMPS validate messages?

How does AMPS handle invalid FIX/NVFIX?

Can AMPS filters do case-insensitive comparisons?

Can I just send uninterpreted binary messages with AMPS?

What's BFlat?

Incremental Update and Change Set Delivery

Do I have to use delta publish to have a delta subscription?

Replication and High Availability

Does AMPS support replication?

Why does publishFlush() wait forever when I'm using replication?

Are SOW topics that are replicated guaranteed to be in sync on all instances?

How do I set up a failover group in my replication destination?

How does AMPS report the specific failure in replication validation?

Messaging Paradigms

How can I do ad hoc message routing in AMPS?

What is a bookmark subscription?

Aggregation and Analytics

What is a View and how can it be used for aggregation?

Performance Questions

How fast is AMPS?

Which is faster, a regular subscription or a bookmark subscription that uses the "live" option?

Application Development with AMPS Clients

Unique Client Naming and AMPS

Which version of the client do I need for a specific version of AMPS?

How does an application pass credentials to AMPS?

What are the entries in a bookmark store file?

Is there a way to use AMPS itself as a bookmark store?

Should I use TCP_NODELAY for connections to AMPS?

Should I use Command or Message to send commands to AMPS?

How do I set the CorrelationId when I publish a message?

Why does publishFlush() wait forever when I'm using replication?

Can I send commands to AMPS from inside a message handler?

How do I use a custom Authenticator with HAClient?

What's the difference between CommandId, QueryId, and SubId?

Do I need to use an HAClient?

What character set is supported for CorrelationID?

Can I add a correlation token to the header of a message?

How do I change the filter on a subscription?

Can a client have more than one subscription at a time?

Can a subscriber tell who published a message?

Why do messages sometimes have strange data when I'm using asynchronous processing?

What character encoding is being used by the AMPS clients?

Why does my HAClient appear to hang when my server is down or the URI is incorrect?

How can I reconnect to my AMPS server when a disconnect occurs?

How can I use AMPS with a XAML application?

Can I enforce unique client naming without creating a transaction log file?

How can I tell if my program is not entitled to publish to a topic?

When using the Python client, will the background thread exit when the program exits?

Do I need more than one AMPS client object in my program?

Why does AMPS disconnect a client with a 'name in use' error?

In bookmark subscribes, why does EPOCH give me the same messages as MOST_RECENT?

Operations and Deployment

How can I manage complicated configuration files?

How can I find the version of my AMPS server?

Can I run multiple instances of AMPS on the same system?

What Does it Mean when dmesg Says AMPS Blocked for More than 120 Seconds

What is the 60East Hotfix Policy?

What software/hardware is required to run AMPS?

What's in a minidump file? Does it include the data that's in AMPS?

What does seconds_behind mean?

How do I run AMPS in a Docker container?

How do I use custom authentication with spark?

How can I tell where a connection is coming from?

What does it mean when AMPS has detected that it may not be running correctly?

What is client reaping?

Is replication between different versions of AMPS supported?

How much bandwidth will replication require?

What value is normal for a specific performance counter?

Why is AMPS logging a memory allocation failure when the system has plenty of free memory?

Can I check a configuration file without restarting AMPS?

What does a "message cache is throttled" warning mean?

Does AMPS log current process limits?

How do I exclude passwords in trace logging?

Where is the list of all the error messages in AMPS?

What's the difference between sync and async acknowledgement in AMPS replication?

Do I need to worry when a regular expression topic name can't be validated?

Can AMPS run as a User Service?

What does "Replication has detected an existing connection" mean? Why does AMPS close the connection?

Can I dynamically choose which topics to replicate?

What does a "potential stuck thread" message mean?

Should we have Hyper-threading enabled on AMPS servers?

Does AMPS correctly handle leap seconds?

How do I copy a SOW from one AMPS instance to another?

How can I control the size of the statistics database?

How can I configure AMPS to use a specific network adapter?

How can I limit the amount of memory AMPS consumes?

What if I need to move messages from one AMPS instance to another?

Is PCIe SSD a requirement when using a transaction log?

AMPS Log Messages

How can I keep only the last week of error logs?

What is the difference between "execution time" and "elapsed time" in the logs?

Where is the list of all the event and error messages in AMPS?

What can cause an "unknown command received" or "parse format error"?

Why does AMPS disconnect a client with a 'name in use' error?

How do I get more information on an AMPS error?

Last updated