Can I run multiple instances of AMPS on the same system?

Yes -- we have customers in production who run over a dozen instances of AMPS on the same (large) system. AMPS is well suited for this scenario, with a little care in configuration and advance planning for system capacity.

If you want to run multiple instances of AMPS on the same system, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Ensure the system capacity is sized correctly for the number of AMPS servers. The User Guide contains capacity planning guidelines. Bear in mind that each instance will need to be able to consume the required capacity independently. In addition, pay particular attention to the network throughput and I/O throughput for the system. Also bear in mind that it is common for business traffic to increase across multiple applications at the same time. This means that the system capacity should be able to handle all of the instances at peak rates simultaneously.

2. Disable NUMA tuning. Notice that, for a single instance on a system, this reduces performance. When multiple instances are running on the same system, however, disabling NUMA tuning substantially reduces resource contention between the instances.

For current versions of AMPS, add the following to the AMPS configuration file:


3. Ensure that the instance configuration for each instance has unique values for:

  • The instance Name

  • Directories for SOW files, transaction logs, error logs and statistics

  • Port numbers for transports and the admin interface

With these considerations, multiple instances of AMPS can coexist well on a single system.

Last updated