What is the 60East Hotfix Policy?

At 60East, our emphasis has always been on making customer's projects successful, and our hotfix policy reflects this. We deliver fixes frequently so that each fix is immediately available to any installation that might be affected by a problem.

Our hotfixes use the following guidelines:

  • All hotfixes are cumulative for that version of AMPS. You should never have to choose between fixes or wait for a solution while different patches are integrated and tested together.

  • All hotfixes deal with a single issue (though, at times, an issue may be a result of more than one factor).

  • All hotfixes are available to all customers and publicly announced at the time of release. It should be possible for any installation to install every available fix for a version at any given time.

  • All hotfixes are fully tested. Each release of AMPS should be at "rollup" (or "service pack", if you prefer) level of testing, including added tests for the issue being fixed.

  • All hotfixes are released as soon as they are available. No one should have to wait for a specific date to get the most up-to-date version of AMPS.

  • All release notes include a description designed to help customers identify whether their installation is at risk. In our release notes, we try hard to make sure that any installation of AMPS that might encounter a problem is made aware of the problem.

Taken together, this means that 60East delivers fixes rapidly and communicates them broadly. Any installation can get the most up-to-date release at any time, and those releases cover every available fix. There is no need to contact support to get fixes for known issues, and there is no need to wait for a specific rollup or service pack.

60East recommends setting a regular upgrade cadence for instances of AMPS, and upgrading to the most recent hotfix on that schedule. Since every hotfix is cumulative and production-ready, upgrades can be done on the time frame that makes sense for the application, without the need to schedule around the timing of a particular release.

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