Application Development with AMPS Clients

Unique Client Naming and AMPSWhich version of the client do I need for a specific version of AMPS?How does an application pass credentials to AMPS?What are the entries in a bookmark store file?Is there a way to use AMPS itself as a bookmark store?Should I use TCP_NODELAY for connections to AMPS?Should I use Command or Message to send commands to AMPS?How do I set the CorrelationId when I publish a message?Why does publishFlush() wait forever when I'm using replication?Can I send commands to AMPS from inside a message handler?How do I use a custom Authenticator with HAClient?What's the difference between CommandId, QueryId, and SubId?Do I need to use an HAClient?What character set is supported for CorrelationID?Can I add a correlation token to the header of a message?How do I change the filter on a subscription?Can a client have more than one subscription at a time?Can a subscriber tell who published a message?Why do messages sometimes have strange data when I'm using asynchronous processing?What character encoding is being used by the AMPS clients?Why does my HAClient appear to hang when my server is down or the URI is incorrect?How can I reconnect to my AMPS server when a disconnect occurs?How can I use AMPS with a XAML application?Can I enforce unique client naming without creating a transaction log file?How can I tell if my program is not entitled to publish to a topic?When using the Python client, will the background thread exit when the program exits?Do I need more than one AMPS client object in my program?Why does AMPS disconnect a client with a 'name in use' error?In bookmark subscribes, why does EPOCH give me the same messages as MOST_RECENT?

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