How can I keep only the last week of error logs?

There are a number of ways to do this.

The most common way to do this is to configure an action that runs on a regular schedule and invokes amps-action-do-remove-files to remove error logs that are older than 7 days. For example, if the application logs to ${AMPS_MONITORING}/logs with file names that end in .log, you could configure an action like the following to run every night at 30 minutes after midnight (local time for the server):

      <Name>Daily event and error log cleanup</Name>

Another approach is to use the log rotation action to rotate logs and create a file name specification that ensures that AMPS only keeps logs for the last 7 days.

Here's how to use these features together:

  • Create an action that rotates the log every day (typically, at midnight)

  • Specify a filename pattern for the log files that repeats every week

With these two configuration options in place, the effect is that AMPS will create a different log file each day, and reuse the same log file once every week.

The sample configuration below demonstrates how to do this:


      <!-- Log files uses the day of the week in the format, so:
             AMPS-InstanceName-Friday.log  -->


Notice that the configuration above doesn't set a RotationThreshold for the log. Instead, the log is allowed to grow until the Action rotates it once a day.

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