How does AMPS handle invalid FIX/NVFIX?

AMPS is designed to balance performance and flexibility. In most cases, AMPS does not guarantee specific behavior with invalid messages.

One common problem with FIX and NFVIX messages is failure to terminate the final field with the FIX SOH character.

The way AMPS deals with these invalid messages differs depending on the release as follows.

*Note: AMPS is not guaranteed to support all invalid FIX/NVFIX messages. 60East does not recommend sending invalid messages to AMPS. While this FAQ explains current behavior, 60East does not guarantee how a particular version of AMPS parses invalid messages.

For example, consider a SOW with a SOW key configured to be /5. The publisher takes the following actions:

Delta Publish:


Delta Publish:


Notice that neither of these messages is terminated with an SOH character. Current versions of AMPS handle the implicit SOH correctly.

AMPS will create the following message in the SOW file:


Upon restart, AMPS will be able to properly parse this message and identify the /5 field as having a value of TEST1. This will allow delta publishing to work as expected.

Historical note: Versions of AMPS released prior to 2015 may produce different results.

Last updated