Is replication between different versions of AMPS supported?

Replication is fully supported between different hotfix levels of the same version, provided that the version itself is supported.

The intent of cross-version support is to provide the ability for rolling upgrades without requiring downtime, especially in cases where it may not be feasible to upgrade an entire set of replicated instances simultaneously.

Replication between different versions of AMPS is supported when all of the following are true:

  1. The lower-level of the two versions must be a supported version no more than 2 years old. The most recent hotfix of that version may be required.

  2. The versions involved must be:

    • The most recent preview of AMPS and the previous full release (that is, an upgrade from a full release to the current preview), or

    • The most recent preview of AMPS and the next full release (that is, an upgrade from a preview to the corresponding full release), or

    • The most recent full release of AMPS and the previous full release

  3. The AMPS configurations on both instances must use only features that are present in both versions, and client applications must use only features that are present in both releases. (In other words, both sides of the replication connection must be upgraded to the new version before either side adds configuration for new features, or before clients use new features.)

If you have specific questions about support between replication versions, or you need upgrade assistance, please contact 60East support.

Last updated